Completed film

Below is the finished product 'Alec'. This is the first 2 minutes opening of 'Alec' including opening titles, the distribution company and our production company.

Construction: Test edit- Audience Screening

We have completed our first draft of the opening to our film "Alec" including titles. As a group we held a private screening involving our target audience to critique our opening two minutes so we can see what we need to improve on.

After screening several time we were told our opening felt more like a trailer as all of our titles were at the end rather than spread amongst our opening. After having a look at many other movie openings online we found that most of them also had their titles more separated that the ones we had done so we are going to change that. Also they found that the beginning of our opening started way to fast and needed more of a slow introduction so that they were not bombarded with information all at once. We placed them between shots we had already taken so that the audience can take in little bits of information so they can focus on the actual movie opening. Other than these minor corrections our audience feedback was rather good. It provided the right atmosphere and challenged horror movie conventions by not having somebody die within the first 2 minutes but also stayed true to the genera by being in a secluded location.

Construction: Filming and experimental edit

By Ashley

During filming we shot each scene multiple times to make sure we had enough footage to edit with: if a shot wasn't good enough at least we had back up footage. Problems we came into were that the candles we used were less luminecient than we initially thought they we're going to be so to combat this we altered the position of Alec (Olly) to be in front of the candles so you can clearly see his silloette.

Here you can clearly see the candles not emitting enough light for the setting. This is where the beginning shots were taken.

Also the location we went to had been littered since we had last been there to scout for location planning. It took us considerably more time to set up and make sure the location was dressed to our liking. In contradiction to my last statement the location looked more rustic and abandoned so the audience watching can clearly seen this is a secluded location one of the key conventions in horror films. The graffiti added to the spooky and mysterious feel we were looking for within our opening.

In these photo's you can see the graffiti and how it makes the setting more spooking. You can also see us altering the alter for some of the scenes.

Construction: Evidence of Editing

Written by Sam
This is a short video of me editing a part of our film using videos and pictures to display evidence: 

Construction: Titles

I created the titles in photoshop.
First, I took a copyright free rust texture from google.

After that, I clicked on the 'Text outline' tool.

I type out the desired text.

Next, I right click and press 'Select Inverse'.

I then press delete, removing all of the texture (bar what I selected).

Finally, I delete the white background, leaving it transparent. I save the image as a PNG, in order to retain the transparency, and send it to Sam to be edited into the film.

Construction: Development of the logo

After deciding on the name of the production company, Dimension Productions, we then had to design a logo. On account of my experience with photoshop and graphic design in the past, I decided to do this task. The original idea was to have the company name in-front of a galaxy; however, we scrapped this idea rather quickly; we realised that the majority of logos are fairly minimalistic, and that the planned logo would not fit well onto the screen. I then decided to design a logo that was both minimalistic, yet fairly obviously related to our company name.
The first thing I did was draw the guide-lines, around which all the planets were to be centred. I did remove them at one point, however keeping them in makes the logo look better.
The logo is, in my opinion, good- it looks both professional yet stylish, and matches the name of our production company.
When added to the main film, the text shall slide out from the vertical guide line, and underneath the  horizontal one. The 'Dimension' will be slightly higher than the 'productions', and in the font 'Phosphorus'. Sam will handle this in the editing.

Planning: Filming schedule

AS Media Studies: Planning: Filming schedule: We have created a filming schedule so we know what time we are all available to go out and film our horror teen movie (Alec). So when it com...

Planning: Shot List

AS Media Studies: Planning: Shot List: Horror Opening Planning : Shot List Number of Shot Storyboard Number Shot description  Time allowance ( seconds)  Shot  ...

Planning: Casting

We originally had two auditions. We tasked the actors with reading a monologue we had prepared that matches the character of Alec- his demeanour, outlook, perception, etc. We judged them based on the delivery of their lines, and how well they seemed to get into character- if they understand the character well in the monologue, we hope they will be able to translate this to a successful performance in our actual project.

After much deliberation, we decided on the candidate below. This is because his delivery was the most impressive and clear- he seemed to understand the character of Alec, and be able to get into character. This is important- unless they understand how Alec thinks, acts, and talks, then they cannot figure out the more minor details we will use in our main performance- his facial expressions, the way he carries himself, etc. As mentioned, the most impressive demonstration of this was in the audition below, and we will be moving forward using this man as our lead actor.

Planning: Considering Mise-en-Scene For Your Opening - costume and props

Written by Ashley.

After writing the synopsis for our film "Alec" and considering the location of the movie opening, we had to style our location to match our preference. The abandoned hallway at Grafton Underwood needed to represent Alec's sanctuary. The hallway is bare with broken bricks and pipes along the walls with old slabs of concrete resting on the floor. We need to add several props to the location for it to give of the effect of an abandoned yet lived in place, in which Alec will come to pray to god. The props we are adding to the location are rusted chains along the concrete slabs which we can zoom into to create tension. Church pillar candles as they remind people of a religious place, a place in which people feel safe or uncomfortable depending on the scenery around it. We'll also add a large cross at the end of the hallway chipped and a bit withered to enhance the tension in then scene. We'll make this from two one meter length bit of wood. The candles will create an atmospheric mood lighting for the hallway which will give an easy feel.

In the room next to the hallway there will be an alter Alec will prey to, communicating with god his intentions and why he is doing it. This is in a hall within Grafton underwood next to our first location of the abandoned hall. The location comes with a giant concrete slab table which we will use for the alter. On the alter we will put a worn out bible to show it has been there for a while, a bowl of an unknown red liquid which is probably blood. The blood will be made out of water mixed with a teaspoon of flower and red food colouring. The alter will also have a worn our table cloth over it with tears in it. Some small but relevant items on the table will be rosary beads and a crucifix all lit up with some candles. There will also be a cloth for Alec to kneel on. The bible will be worn out but look in a newer state to the rest of the props which shows how Alec takes care of his religious totems.

Last of all we were thinking of the clothing of Alec and the dead body. The dead body will be wearing a worn and torn grey shirt to show struggle and simple jeans with some trainers with a little blood and bruising. Alec on the other hand will be wearing a very smart trench coat with a black shirt and a vicars collar. Round his right hand and shoulder there will be a wrapped chain with comes out of his coat sleeve without seeing his hand. The pockets of the trench coat will have rosary beads in which he will take out and hold in his left hand. He will wear some black loose jeans with a brown belt around his waist. The shoes he wears will be black booted shoes with no laces. This outfit makes Alec seem very intellectually but with the chain and rosary beads, psychotically religious as well.

Pictured is the cross we had produced by the woodwork department in school. We gave them the dimensions we desired and it was produced by the end of the week.

The completed cross, with a black background.
The cross, with Ashley for scale.
Ashley posing with the cross.