Construction: Development of the logo

After deciding on the name of the production company, Dimension Productions, we then had to design a logo. On account of my experience with photoshop and graphic design in the past, I decided to do this task. The original idea was to have the company name in-front of a galaxy; however, we scrapped this idea rather quickly; we realised that the majority of logos are fairly minimalistic, and that the planned logo would not fit well onto the screen. I then decided to design a logo that was both minimalistic, yet fairly obviously related to our company name.
The first thing I did was draw the guide-lines, around which all the planets were to be centred. I did remove them at one point, however keeping them in makes the logo look better.
The logo is, in my opinion, good- it looks both professional yet stylish, and matches the name of our production company.
When added to the main film, the text shall slide out from the vertical guide line, and underneath the  horizontal one. The 'Dimension' will be slightly higher than the 'productions', and in the font 'Phosphorus'. Sam will handle this in the editing.

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