Planning: From Production Company Name to 60 Second Pitch

Task 1: Our company name is 'Dimension Productions'. We chose this name after many previous ideas; the reason we chose it was, in the end, it's professional-sounding and catchy name. Here is a brainstorm of the production company names.
Task 2: We then had to plan out ideas for our film. We are producing an ultra-low budget horror film, aimed at a teen audience; as such, our idea had to match this goal. We produced a mind-map for this too. We planned for the full film as opposed to the trailer- the idea is that if we plan the main film, we can minimalist this and convert it to the opening 2 minutes. In the picture you can see ideas such as 'Psychopath' and 'Bad guy main character', as a group we brainstormed loads of ideas to make sure that we choose the right elements so we can make the film suspenseful and effective.

Task 3: For our working title, we decided on Alec. This is the name of the main character/antagonist; We chose it because it is easy to remember, and would highlight the fact that the villain is the main character. As a name, we decided on Alec because it is an uncommon name, with meaning that relates to the main plot; It means 'Defender of man'. This connects to the main story in a subtle, indirect way- Alec's murders are religiously motivated, and he sees himself as defending humanity.

Task 4:

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