Target audience and Potential Openings

Our opening 2 minutes have gone through several phases and concepts. Our original idea was to have the filming be done inside an underground bunker. He would be in the process of torturing a victim, whilst monologuing about his motives (setting up the rest of the film). We decided against this; the torture scene would be both impractical (due to the need of props/makeup, and the difficulty involved with managing sound for the monologue), and ineffective (we would be unable to show most of the torture, due to the film being aimed at a 15 age rating. This would make the scene seem cheap and diminish it's effect). As such, we decided to adapt this idea.

Our current, and most likely final idea, is to be less focused on the victims. It will show the antagonist, Alec, making his way around the location. We will develop his character and his motives through the props and mies-en-scene. He will be praying at a makeshift altar, and then slowly rise as the camera follows him. He will slowly make his way through the bunker, and arrive at a room. The camera slowly pans out to reveal a wall, covered in paper/graffiti, detailing his plan to incite the grand rapture- victims, locations, timings, etc.

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