Planning: Screenplay

[The camera fades from black and reveals a man from behind. He is kneeling, praying at a makeshift altar.]
[The camera shows the altar from a low angle at the side, focused on a crucifix in the middle].
[The camera cuts back to behind Alec. It tracks around him over a few seconds, revealing that he is holding a small cross/rosary in his hands. After a while, he rises, and crosses himself. He pockets his cross/rosary and turns away from the altar]
[The camera follows him as he exits the room, feet splashing off of the damp floor. He enters a hallway and begins to walk down it, determination in his eyes.]
[The camera pans around the corridor, focusing on several of the props/decorations in the hallway. There is a corpse, chained to a wall. Several verses from the Bible are graffiti'd onto the wall. Candles  litter the hallway, and there is a large cross hanging down.]
[Alec enters the a room, to the side of the corridor. The walls are covered in paper, graffiti and pictures- yet they are out of focus.]
[The camera focuses on Alec, yet is aimed over his shoulder.]
[It slowly pans out, and the wall comes into focus. As it continues to zoom out, the pure expanse of the room is revealed, and the viewer can see what the things say. There are pictures of people, locations, dates, etc. They are connected by lines.]
[The camera focuses on a large, black, spray-painted phrase in the middle of the room. The camera cuts to Alec, close up on his eyes, staring at the room. The camera tracks into the phrase, 'GRAND RAPTURE', and slowly fades to black.]

-Written by Sean
We will construct the storyboard from this screenplay, and from that, develop the whole opening.

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